Cubase12 Beginner Tutorial Lesson 2 - Recording an Acoustic Guitar #102
Cubase12 Beginner Tutorial Lesson 3 - Recording an Electric Guitar #103
Cubase12 Beginner Tutorial Lesson 4 - Virtual Synth & Easy Chords #104
Cubase12 Beginner Tutorial Lesson 5 - Recording a Singer / Vocals #105
Download free workfiles for the above lessons: #106
Keywords: Cubase for the first time Install and getting started Cubase install Cubase setup Cubase elements
Take care of your Ears! #107
Test your Ears freqency response --->
This is a small part from an article in - the link is below!
One common rule of thumbis called the 3dB rule. For example, according to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in the United States (NIOSH), it is safe to listen at a sustained level of 85dB(A) for up to eight hours, but if the sustained level rises a mere 3dB to 88dB (A), that halves to just four hours.
And for every additional 3dB of level, the length of time available for safe exposure halves again: At 91dB(A), it is safe to listen forjust two hours; and just one hour at 94dB(A). And yes, listening for just 30 minutesat 97dB(A) — which is common at live events or extended mixing sessions — risks developing serious and permanent sensorineural hearing loss.
The full article here: #108
Latency Monitor Audio drop out problem? Audio issue audiodrop #200
Audio drop out? Checks if a system running Windows is suitable for processing real-time audio and other tasks.
Detect and tell where problem is. 100% Free download! has lot of tools to check your Windows system.
Audio drop out
Who crashed
Advance Registry Manager
Note! Other possibly for auido drop out issue is the WiFi connection. Use a cable to connect LAN!
Quantize notes events to move closer to the beat MIDI & Wave
01:16:48. How to continually quantize MIDI events to move closer to the beat? MIDI #201
02:03:53. How to select Q to quantize an audio event? Wave #202
00:48:53. How to quantize a guitar solo? #203
Speed up work flow in cubase 12 #204
Comping Auto Fade in/out & Slip Audio in a Take #205
MusicStone - Comping Automatic Fade in/out & Slide Audio in a Take
You may not know that Groove Agent 5 can do more then druming - Greg showing! #206
Titta gärna en liten stund, redan efter nån minut kan du få ett bättre drum track.
Halion 6 Electrical Bass video #207
Bästa mix tips 10 tips BAR VÄLDIGT BRA, och Ozone Mid channel and side channel #208
10 st mix tips!
Mid Side channel #209
Unmask same Fq #210
How to Make Chords for Your VocalMelody - Migrate Channel Settings across Different Project
Migrate Channel Settings across Different Projects | Cubase Q&A with Greg Ondo #211
How to Make Chords for Your VocalMelody | Music Production for Beginners #212
Melodyne Scale #213
Setting chord video
Create a chord Score lead a sheet #214
1.Skapa ett tomt VSTtrack,
2. Dubbel klicka evet blir lika lång tsom låten)
3. Ööppna Score edtorort CTLR R
4. Gå til Menu Score - AdvanceLayoutoption - Show chords track
Key Switches, Expresions map, Setup a Expresion map from scratch #215
Steinberg isnt #216
Medaibay; MIDI editorn,DOM SIGALAS YT cahnnel #217
MIDI tip #218
Dom Sigalas YT channel glöm ej shorts #119
Vario Audio very extremely gooddemo!! Vario Audio Mitt bästa tips
MusicStone Greg explain Vario Audio very extremely good!! Vario audio function Recommended! #220
Free Warp, new versionen for Cubase 12 #221
Ozone Isotope Learn how to mix asong #222
Audiowarp, Editing, Raiser Cubase 12 #223
Editing #224
Raiser #225
Medaibay; MIDI editorn, DOM SIGALAS YT channel
Medibay tips #226
MIDI tips #227
Dom Sigalas YT channel glöm ej shorts #228
Which effects should I use for reverband delay? Send delay #229
What is the benefit of using directrouting vs. Sends? Heavy compress drum #230
Which effects should I use for reverb and delay?
Send delay
Se hur Greg använder MIDI editorn - Key editorn tips och ideer #231
Grid up Live session Live recording
02:11:54. How to figure out tempo and create a click track from multi-track wav files? Show the all steps, Recommended #293
00:28:37.Tempo Detection for Remixes ***Special overview Cubase 11 NAMM 2021**
a. Grid up a live recording. You dont need to change the grid or to set the grid to the live. Tempo track made it easy instaed changing the grid.
b & c. Groove Agent futures
d & e. LIne up drum and change live drums to drums in Groove Agent
f. Guitars VST amp How to fix live recording to change it to VSTamp
g. Tempo live dection on one track and then setting the same tempo to all other tracks.
00:28:37. Tempo Detection for Remixes ***Special overview Cubase 11 NAMM 2021 ** #233 (a)
00:32:05. Groove Agent Beat Production ***Special overview Cubase 11 NAMM 2021 ** #234 (b)
00:37:32. . Groove Agent Acoustic Agent **Special overview Cubase 11 NAMM 2021 ** #235 (c)
00:41:33 . Drum Replacement and Triggering ***Special overview Cubase 11 NAMM 2021 ** #236 (d)
00:43:45. . Multi Track Drum Quantizing ***Special overview Cubase 11 NAMM 2021 ** #237 (e)
00:46:49. . ST Bass Amp and VST Amp Rack ***Special overview Cubase 11 NAMM 2021 ** #238 (f)
00:13:38. . How to do a tempo detection of drums and make other tracks follow? #239 (g)
Matching MIDI to Audio Using Tempo Detection | Cubase Q&A with GregOndo #313
03:38:28. How to get warp grid to tweak results after tempo detection? #258
02:11:55. Why does hitting undo affect tempo detected files? Cont. For above if tempodetcting does not to 100% good job. Use the time warp tool to adjust tempo grid. #240
02:48:23. How to keep tempo fixed after doing a tempo detection? Move tempo to the audio file or to the project. #241
03:38:28. How to get warp grid to tweak results after tempo detection? Keywords: fix Tempo detection Out of Grid after drums fills #242
More about tempo detection etc freewarp
02:56:51. Can you demonstrate syncing a recording to the metronome. Using a tempo track? #243
01:05:59. How to setup parameters on tempo track? #244
00:10:56. How to import a MIDI tempo track in a project already with an audio file? #245
01:31:12. How to set a steady temp on a live recording with a variable tempo? Live recording to tempo set tempo into audio file #246
01:51:02. How to do comping on a live recording? Comping mode #247
Matching MIDI to Audio Using Tempo Detection | Cubase Q&A with GregOndo #313
Generate vocal harmonies
03:28:29. Is there any way to generate vocal harmonies automatically? #250
02:10:54. Why does generate harmonies create new tracks each time used? #251
Mono To Stereo | Effects and Plug-ins Included in Cubase #252
01:20:22. Can I disable the bass note generally within the chord pads? #253
00:30:15. Why does a sample in musical mode play at right tempo but not the right key? #254
01:11:04. How to adjust the speed of a note glide in the sampler track? #255
00:39:48. How to repeat 4/4 and 3/4 time signatures throughout the project? #256
01:16:27. Any tips on writing a good bass line? #257
01:00:19. Best way to quickly display the chord track into the score window? Create chord track sheet - Then to create a pdf; menu - file - print - pdf) #259
03:19:53.Why is highlighted audio track not included with an audio mix down?#260
00:47:12.How to detect tempo of an audio file?#261
03:27:43.What is difference between set definition from tempo and smoothing tempo events? #262
03:46:37.How to do VariAudio on a small region of a 2 hour long file?#263
03:07:29.Do I need to make sure MIDI Loop is in scale importing into chord track player? #264
Create 808Glide Effects Using Sampler Track | Cubase Q&A with Greg Ondo#265
03:05:51. What are the best video file types to import into my Cubase project? #266
00:19:40. How to tune a piece of music at wrong speed and pitch from cassette to be correct? #267
00:40:06. How to change the time signature from 4/4 to 12/8 to 6/8 etc.? #268
02:34:25. How to link a send panner to the channel panner? #269
00:12:19. Why doesn’t automation return to value when working in touch mode? #270
03:29:07. Can you make and save your on drum pattern for a drum kit? #271
02:17:56. Can you give a quick explainer on project workspaces? #272
01:27:27. How to change just the kick sample in a Groove Agent pattern? #273
00:52:41. What is best way to add envelope shaper to multiple drum tracks together? #274
00:38:39. Any tips of setting up Cubase for a live broadcast? #275
00:21:48. What is the easiest way to print multi-channel MIDI to audio? Render Groove to tracks #276
00:16:03. How to map faders transmitting CC messages to control Cubase mixer? #277
00:12:41. What is best ways to use 8 faders on MIDI controller to control the mixer? #278
01:04:45. How to separate MIDI drums to separate tracks or record note to independent tracks? #279
02:39:07. Can I still set definition from tempo if there are many tempo variations in file? #280
02:33:03. Where can I get logical editor presets? #290
03:48:36. How to split a 4 hour recording into 1 minute sections in WaveLab or Cubase? #291
Project Logical Editor
00:05:42. How to select specific notes within the key editor with logical editor? #292
If you don't want or can setup an "Event Target Filter" condtion". Sometimes is it more easier to do the select manualy, Look at this pic!
"Event Target Filter" to ( Property is set ,selected, Is selected ) This mean that you manually select what shall be processed in themodify/transform in the next window "Event Transform Actions". Don't forget to change actions list window to "Transform" I think that you want (or set up your needs for modify note)
00:05:42.How to select specific notes within the key editor with logical editor? (297)
01:55:50. How to save a preset in the Steinberg Electric Bass plug-in? (295)
02:43:29.How is it possible to apply an independent track loop? (296)
03:26:01.Where else can side chain be applied besides EQ and compression? (298)
01:47:20.How to bounce all audio events that start at beginning of track? (299)
01:16:46.How to render all audio tracks in a lane to the same length? (300)
03:27:41.How to audition a chopped part from the main screen in the lowerzone? (301)
All of Cubase preferences on one page (302)
Cubase shortcuts, macros and tips (with gif examples) (303)
00:14:11.How to assign a key to unarm all MIDI tracks? (304)
00:42:34.How to separate 2 events that are linked or grouped together? (305)
01:35:58.How to setup Cubase to do lock recording? (306)
01:41:10.How to quickly A/B different insert effect combinations? (307)
01:02:27.How to mix vocals? (308)
5 Powerful Frequency 2 Tips You Should Know | Cubase Secrets withDom (309)
Reverb using Steinberg's Revalation or Reverence
Create 5 Iconic Reverbs With Cubase Revelation Plug-in | Cubase Secrets with Dom #310 Recommended!
Cubase Reverbs: REVerence against REVelation #311
Get Creative With Reverence Convolution Reverb | Cubase Secrets with Dom #312
Very Best Jan Karlqvist, creator of
Klumpigt med Insert Fx vid vissa ställen då det påverkaralla event i tracket, du måste alltså stänga av och slå på Fx vid rätt tillfälle, Direct offline Processing(short cut F7) är smidigare #248
Smidigare är att måla upp sista stavelsen eller ett gt riff sista ton direkt i wave-eventen och få delay just där. Då använder man Direct offline Processing(short cut F7).
När du ska flytta ord eller gt i wave filen. Utan Sax och Varioaudio
Ta dig tid att titta 60s så du har sett denna teknik!!!
Det kommer att spara dig enormt med tid istf för att använda sax eller VarioAudio! #249
När DoP används modifieras wavefilen, men aldrig originalfilen. För här kommer det listiga,det går alltid att återställa hur det var innan Dop, även 10 årmed enkelt "undo". Eftersom DoP info lagras i cpr filen ochDoP info finns därmed bevarad för tid och evighet.
DoP modifieringar sparas i en nykatalog "Edits", och det är Edits katalogen jag kommeratt behöva av dig. Alltså de ursprungliga wave finns alltid kvar och ändras ej.
#313 next
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